Hershey Public Schools will be closed on Friday, November 20th and Friday, December 11th for PreK-12 students and staff. Activity events will take place as planned on both dates. The Return to School Committee met today (11/16/2020) and determined that a change in the school calendar was needed. Recent DHM changes and the addition of the Hospital Bed Threshold Dial from Governor Ricketts provided us with valuable information to make this decision. This change will allow for two additional three day weekends for students and staff prior to the close of the semester. This was provided for the following reasons: to provide a mental and physical break for students and staff to finish the semester and to allow additional time for our janitors to deep clean the facility.
Hershey Public Schools encourages families to stay healthy by wearing face-coverings outside of the school, practice social distance when you are around people who are outside of your household and avoid crowded places and crowds when possible.
More information can be found by visiting West Central District Health Department at https://wcdhd.org.