K-6 Remote Learning Day (Parent Information)

Dear Hershey Families,

I am reaching out to you today to provide some insight towards our (K-6) November 30th Remote Learning Day.  Preschool will be in session on this day.  The overarching goal for this day is to learn (Administrators, Teachers, Parents, & Students).  If we ever had to move towards a remote learning setting are we prepared to: 

  • Effectively navigate throughout our LMS system (Seesaw K-2 & Canvas 3-6)

  • Ensure that students can effectively and efficiently learn new content

  • Find areas where we, as a district, can improve the online learning experience  

Hershey Public Schools will continue to work with families across our district to find ways to evolve or improve our remote learning experience.  I ask parents to continue to be patient, understanding, and know that this day is geared toward being proactive so that your child(ren) can continue to receive a high quality education at Hershey Public Schools.

Hershey Public Schools’ Remote Learning Guidelines & Schedules can be found at our website (www.hpspanthers.org).  Here, parents will find school, student, and parent roles and responsibilities, general guidelines for distance learning, elementary priorities, and K-2 or 3-6 Remote Learning Schedules.

K-6 students have been utilizing their Learning Management Systems since the start of the 2020-21 school year.  K-2 students utilize the Seesaw Platform, while grades 3-6 utilize Canvas.  Your child(ren) should be able to fully operate this platform on their own with a stable internet connection.  Within their LMS, students will find everything they will need for the Remote Learning Day on November 30th.  The teacher will follow the recommended schedule for K-2 or 3-6 that day.  Teachers will provide online learning that will be recorded and made available to students to watch at any time.  Learning on this day will be mainly focused around prioritized content (Math & Reading).  Other flexible learning opportunities will be shared via the classroom teacher.  

Teachers have been directed to utilize multiple ways to track your child(ren)’s attendance on this day.  I know that each family is being pressed with a variety of outside factors (daycare, work, etc.).  If you are experiencing difficulties, I encourage you to reach out to the teacher, via your classroom’s established platform of communication.   Teachers will reach out to those students who were absent during the remote learning day with the intent to help students be as successful as possible in their remote learning experience, understand their remote learning challenges, and problem solve for future remote learning situations to facilitate student success.   

I personally want to thank each of you for your continued support through these challenging times.



Jared Thomsen

Elementary Principal