Due to retirement, Hershey Public Schools is currently accepting applications for multiple elementary classroom teacher positions, with placement in the 3rd or 5th grade level. Extra duty assignments are also available including coaching opportunities.
Hershey Public Schools is a Class C district with a total K-12 enrollment of 525 students located 12 miles west of North Platte. Starting date for the position is August, 2022. First year teachers start at $39,050. All years of teaching experience are accepted. The salary index tops out at 2.17. Compensation based on 185 day contract period.
Hershey Public School district pays for full family insurance (health/dental) through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Nebraska with a $1,050 deductible. Additional information about this position can be obtained from Jared Thomsen, Elementary Principal; Hershey Public Schools, 308-368-5572 or by sending an email to jared.thomsen@hpspanthers.org. Hershey Public Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer and this position is subject to Veterans Preference.
Please visit our website at www.hpspanthers.org to complete an application. Please apply through the HPS School Recruiter/TalentEd Recruit & Hire website, located under District, Current Employment Opportunities. Create a log in, click the "Apply for this Position" button. Complete application and submit. You will receive a confirmation number. You may also click on the following link: https://hersheyne.tedk12.com/h... Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.