At SPVA Speech, Brooke Bode placed 1st in Entertainment and 2nd in Poetry. OID, consisting of Reace Anderson, Eryka Anderson, Jane Fischer, Emma Kramer, and Calie Troyer placed 6th. Emma Kramer and Reace Anderson place 5th and Eryka Anderson and Jane Fischer placed 4th in duet.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
Tonight's District Final Boys BB game with Tri County @ 6 pm @ Kearney High School will be live streamed at
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
🏀 It’s GAMEDAY! C2-5 District Final Hershey (#5) vs Tri County (#12) 📍Kearney (Kearney HS) ⏰ 6:00 PM 📻103.5-FM #gopanthers #hpspanthers
almost 4 years ago, Kort Smith
District Basketball
Hershey Public Schools will have a 1:30 Early dismissal on Monday, March 1st. No PM Preschool and buses will run accordingly in the afternoon.
almost 4 years ago, Jared Thomsen
The Boys Basketball District Finals will be Monday, March 1 at Kearney High at 6 pm against Tri County High School.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
The Speech Team is having an outstanding year. The members of the team are : Coach Dave Potter, Callie Troyer, Eryka Anderson, Reace Anderson, Jane Fischer, Emma Kramer, Ruby Nutter, Brooke Bode and Breanna Branson. They are competing Saturday at Sutherland and Monday at SPVA.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
Speech Team displaying OID Medal
🏀 It’s GAMEDAY! C2-11 Sub-District Final Hershey vs Chase County 📍Hershey ⏰ 6:30 PM 🖥📱 @ccs_longhorns #gopanthers #hpspanthers
almost 4 years ago, Kort Smith
Subdistricts Boys BBall
Final score from C2-11 sub district in Hershey. Hershey 51 Hitchcock County 42.
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Steinbeck
The Hershey Speech Team did outstanding this past Saturday at Ogallala. Senior Brooke Bode placed 1st in Oral Interpretation of Poetry and 5th in Entertainment Speaking. The team will be at Sutherland this Saturday, 2-27-21.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
The Sub-District BBB game tonight will not have a spectator pass list. Hershey High will comply with the NSAA directive of 75% capacity. No passes will be accepted.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
🏀 It’s GAMEDAY! C2-11 Subdistricts Game #1 Hershey vs Hitchcock County Game #2 Chase County vs Dundy County-Stratton 📍Hershey ⏰ 6:00 PM 🖥📱 @ccs_longhorns @dcstigers @HitchcockCounty #hpspanthers
almost 4 years ago, Kort Smith
Subdistricts Boys BBall
Thank you Dr. Josh Wray for spending the day at Hershey speaking to our health career students. Our students enjoyed your class discussion while using the Anatomage table to look at the foot and ankle. We look forward to your continued interactions with our students!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Steinbeck
Join us for a blood drive on Tuesday, March 2 from 2:00-5:00 PM at the American Legion Hall as we help teach our elementary students about the importance of blood donation. You can give on their behalf. Visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS to make an appointment today!
almost 4 years ago, Kort Smith
Blood Drive 1
Blood Drive 2
Blood Drive 3
Hershey Anatomy and Physiology students has the opportunity to speak with Ivan Mitchell the Chief Operations Officer from Great Plains Health today. He shared with students ways to enter the medical field after graduation!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Steinbeck
🤼‍♂️ Good Luck to Matt Bruns today as he competes at the State Wrestling Championships. Class C starts at 4:00 PM today. #gopanthers #hpspanthers
almost 4 years ago, Kort Smith
Wrestling Class C Bracket
The Hershey Speech Team had an outstanding day last Saturday at the Blue & Gold NP Speech Meet. The OID placed sixth out of 25 schools. The members of the OID were: Reace Anderson, Eryka Anderson, Jane Fischer, Emma Kramer and Calie Troyer. Speech will be at Ogallala 2-20.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
Gothenburg girls leading Hershey at halftime.
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Steinbeck
At the end of the first quarter Gothenburg leads Hershey.
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Steinbeck
Matt Bruns will be wrestling Friday and Saturday at the State Tournament in Omaha. Here is the Class C 132 Bracket. Good Luck Matt
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch
Class C 132 Bracket
Tonight's Sub District GBB @ Chase County 2-16 starts at 7:30 pm CT. The games will be streamed on our Chase County YouTube channel.
almost 4 years ago, Greg Welch