BASKETBALL GAMEDAY!! 🏀 @ Broken Bow Indians 🚩 Broken Bow High School ⏰ 4:30/6:00/7:30 PM CST 📺 🎟️ Adults $6.00 / Students $4.00 #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
WRESTLING HOME MEET!!!! 🤼‍♂️ vs Southwest/Hitchcock County Triangular 🚩 Hershey High School Main Gym ⏰ 6:00 PM CST 📺 Hershey Panthers YouTube 🎟️ Adults $6.00 / Students $4.00 #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
PANTHER ACADEMIC ALL-STATE!!! Each year the Nebraska School Activities Association and the Nebraska Chiropractic Physicians Association recognize students who have been nominated by their schools, based on their individual academic excellence, leadership, and significant contributions made to their NSAA activity. Students who are nominated by their school and meet the below criteria will be recognized and awarded a certificate of achievement by the NSAA and NCPA. The following leadership and scholarship guidelines shall apply: 1. Varsity player or organizational leader who has played a significant role on the team or in the organizational activity during the seasons for which nominations are accepted. 2. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA in all curricular subjects, of 93% or 3.7 on a 4.0-point scale or the equivalent. GREAT JOB to the Panther Student-Athletes who received this honor for their 2023 fall activities!!! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
FALL ALL-STATE SELECTIONS!! The following Panther athletes were selected to their respective all-state teams for football and volleyball!! When you see these athletes, give them a high five or a fist bump for their accomplishments! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
All State
All State
PANTHER FINE ARTS!!! The following students were selected to the 2024 Hastings Honor Band/Choir! They will take part in a clinic and competition on January 21st & 22nd at Hastings College. Please congratulate these students on their fine accomplishment! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Honor Band
Panther JH/HS Activities Week of 12.18.23 to 12.22.23 FOUR DAYS in the semester...Keep up the good work and let's FINISH STRONG Panthers!!! “The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire.” Richard M. Nixon L-E-T-S-G-O-P-A-N-T-H-E-R-S #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
JH GBB & BBB PANTHER BASKETBALL GAMEDAY!!! 🏀 @ NPSP Irish ⏰9:00 AM 🚩 NPSP HS / McDaid Gym Boys season opener today!!! Good luck to both Panther teams today!!! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
PANTHER BASKETBALL GAMEDAY!!! 🏀 @ Ogallala Indians ⏰2:00 / 3:30 / 5:00 PM CST 🚩 Prairie View Middle School 📷 🎟️ Adults $6.00 / Students $4.00 #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
BBB: Hershey Panthers vs Kimball Longhorns FINAL The Panthers sweep the Longhorns and will hit the road and take on the Ogallala Indians tomorrow with JV games starting at 2:00 PM at Prairie View Middle School! @nsaahome @knoptv #nebpreps
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
BBB: Hershey Panthers vs Kimball Longhorns Halftime @nsaahome @knoptv #nebpreps
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
GBB: Hershey vs Kimball Final @nsaahome @knoptv #nebpreps
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
GBB: Hershey vs Kimball Halftime @nsaahome @knoptv #nebpreps
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
GBB: Hershey vs Kimball Halftime @nsaahome @knoptv #nebpreps
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Logan Moore placed 4th for the Panther JVs at the varsity Sutherland Meet! Nice work, Logan!
about 1 year ago, Bernie Madison
Hershey J5 in action today at the Sutherland Invite. Kiddos battled in every match!
about 1 year ago, Bernie Madison
JV WRESTLING MEET DAY!!!! 🤼‍♂️@ Sutherland Invitational 🚩 Sutherland High School ⏰10:00 AM #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
WRESTLING MEET DAY!!!! 🤼‍♂️@ Valentine Badger Invitational 🚩 Valentine High School ⏰Friday @ 1:00 PM / Saturday @ 9:00 AM 📺 #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
HOME PANTHER BASKETBALL GAMEDAY!!! 🏀 vs Kimball Longhorns ⏰3:00 / 4:30 / 6:00 / 7:30 PM 🚩 Hershey High School 📷 🎟️ Adults $6.00 / Students $4.00 💵GAME SPONSOR - Agri-Affliates #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
REMINDER: We are running a flipped schedule TODAY for all K-12 students. K-6 students report to class as normal and 7-12 students report to your 8TH PERIOD class to start the day at 8:15 AM. Let's make it a GREAT DAY Panthers!!! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
7-12 Hershey Band/Choral Concert on Tuesday night here in Hershey was a hit!! Great performances by our 7-12 Fine Arts students that brought the Hershey patrons a little bit of early Christmas cheer! Thank you to Mrs. Brittenham and Mrs. Anderson in producing and directing the Christmas Concert for us! #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney