On Tuesday, March 26, Hershey Public Schools will have a 10 AM Late Start due to current road conditions, with blowing and drifting snow, and ice covered roads. There will be no morning Preschool and buses will run accordingly. Please continue to monitor the District’s website and social media for any further updates and closings.
12 months ago, Jared Thomsen
Due to the forecasted blizzard like conditions, with the potential of significant snow, strong winds, and drifting snow, Hershey Public Schools will be CLOSED on Monday, March 25, 2024. No activities or practice.
12 months ago, Jared Thomsen
No School
2024 CLASS C HONOR BAND!!! 🎶 Class C Honor Band 🚩Kearney High School ⏰All Day Good luck to Katie, Rachel, Christian, Maddie, Sam, and Ella as you participate in this great event in Kearney!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
JH PANTHER SPEECH MEET DAY!!!! 🗣️North Platte Invitational 🚩Adams Middle School 📅Friday, March 22nd ⏰4:30 PM CST Good luck to our JUNIOR HIGH speech team as they have their first competition of the season...Excited to see the young Panthers in action! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
NSAA STATE SPEECH CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! Hershey students Katie Abbott and Aubrie Martino are competing today at the NSAA C-1 Speech Championships at Kearney H.S.!! They have completed the second round and have one more round to compete in to determine finalists. We will work to keep you posted as to how Katie and Aubrie do the rest of the day!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
SPVA MUSIC RESULTS!!! Your Hershey Panther Instrumental and Vocal programs went to NPSP High School on Tuesday and absolutely rocked it!!! There were numerous superiors given and a number of Panther students brought back BEST IN CONFERENCE from the contest!!! Below are the individuals/groups that were named SPVA Best in Conference!! Instrumental results: Concert Band Avalon Quick (flute solo) Maddie Haddow (clarinet solo) Rhett Edelman (alto sax solo) Christian Allen (trombone solo) Katie Abbott (baritone solo) Katie Abbott & Rhett Edelman Katie Abbott, Christian Allen, Jevvrey Shirley Choral results: Lilian Fuchser (high voice solo) Evelyn Lewis (low voice solo) Kristyn Woolley, Presley Tridle, Eveleyn Lewis (girl's trio) Great job to all the students and to Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Brittenham!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
PANTHER MEET DAY!!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️Hershey/NPSP Track & Field Invite 🚩Summers Field 📅Thursday, March 21st ⏰Field @ 3:00 PM Running @ 5:00 PM 🎟️Adults $6.00 / Students $5.00 Looks to be a GREAT DAY to open the 2024 season for the Panther Track & Field team!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
PANTHER SPEECH MEET DAY!!!! 🗣️NSAA Class C-1 State Championships 🚩Kearney High School 📅Thursday, March 21st ⏰8:30 AM CST Good luck to Katie Abbott and Aubrie Martino as they represent Hershey today at the NSAA State Championships!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
PARKING ALERT: Due to Hershey hosting the 2023 Hershey/NPSP Invitational on Thursday, March 21st, we will be CLOSING the NORTH PARKING LOT & STAFF PARKING LOT (EAST) for STUDENT & STAFF PARKING on TOMORROW (3.21.24). This will allow for track spectators to park there while school is in session and also allow HANDICAPPED individuals to park in the EAST PARKING LOT tomorrow. We will not allow spectators to walk through the school tomorrow. Students & Staff, please plan on a little extra time getting to the building on that day since you will have to park on the SOUTH or WEST side of the building. Thank you for your help with this and flexibility in moving this meet up two days! Mr. Cudney
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
HERSHEY FFA NEW MEMBER NIGHT!!! Come join the Hershey FFA program TONIGHT (3.19.24) for a New Member Recruitment Night! This evening is open to all current 8-11th grade students at Hershey. There will be CDE demonstrations/participation, time to interact with the Hershey FFA Officer Team, and information shared to the parents by Miss Aylward. Please park in the SOUTH parking lot and enter in through the SOUTH doors. All activities will be in the HPS Media Center. Looking forward to seeing everyone there tonight!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
SCHEDULE ALERT - HERSHEY/NPSP TRACK MEET 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️Hershey/NPSP Track & Field Invite 🚩Summers Field 📅 **NEW DATE** Thursday, March 21st ⏰**NEW TIME** Field @ 3:00 PM Running @ 5:00 PM 🎟️Adults $6.00 / Students $5.00 Looks to be a GREAT DAY to start the 2024 Track & Field season here in Hershey!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
2024 SPVA VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL CONTEST 🎶 H.S. Vocal & Instrumental Contest 🚩North Platte St. Pat's High School ⏰9:00 AM CST Good luck to all the Hershey students performing today at the SPVA Conference contest!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
2024 NHS INDUCTION CEREMONY!!! 10 Panther students were inducted into the Hershey chapter of the National Honor Society last night. This is a tremendous honor for these students and they join a GREAT group of individuals who are apart of the NHS chapter in Hershey. Congratulations to the students and families who were inducted last night!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
SPEECH STATE SENDOFF!!!! Join us tomorrow in sending off HPS students Katie Abbott and Aubrie Martino to the 2024 State Speech Championships!!! We will start in the HS commons and the Panther Pride Marching Band and Panther Cheerleaders will lead the girls down the hallways past the HS and the Elementary classrooms!!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
ACT PREP @ HERSHEY!!! Thankful to have Chad Cargill in town today to go through ACT tips, strategies, and techniques to improve ACT scores. 9th-11th Panther students were locked in and took away some great insights as to how to improve their scores this spring. Looking forward to our Panther students rocking the upcoming ACT and NSCAS/MAPS testing here in April!! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
2024 HERSHEY NHS INDUCTION 📚 National Honor Society Induction 🚩 Hershey Main Gym ⏰ 7:00 PM CST Congratulations to the 10 new inductees to the NHS program here at Hershey! #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
Panther JH/HS Activities Week of 3.18.24 to 3.23.24  “When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself." Tecumseh L-E-T-S-G-O-P-A-N-T-H-E-R-S  #PANTHERMOJO
12 months ago, Jordan Cudney
PANTHER DISTRICT SPEECH RESULTS!!!! *Rhett Edelman - 6th in Humorous *Lillian Fuchser - 6th in Extemp *Katie Abbott - 4th in POI *Katie Abbott- 2nd in Humorous *STATE QUALIFIER *Aubrie Martino-Zogg and Katie Abbott - DISTRICT CHAMPIONS & STATE QUALIFIERS in Duet The Panther Speech team placed 6th overall. Great job by all team members and coaches!!! The NSAA state speech meet will be at Kearney High School on Thursday, March 21st!! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
NEW STAFF SPOTLIGHT!!! We are excited to announce that Mrs. Harmoni Wagner will be joining the Hershey staff as a Junior High Special Education teacher. Mrs. Wagner brings many years of service to the Hershey district both as a teacher in the classroom and as an administrator! Mrs. Wagner had this to say: I received both my bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. This is my 24th year in education. My Husband John works on the railroad. We have 3 daughters, Kayleigh who teaches kindergarten, Katie who will start her teaching career next fall, and Janee who will be a freshman. Outside of the classroom I enjoy outdoor activities and spending time with my family. Please welcome Mrs. Harmoni Wagner to our team here at Hershey! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
New Staff
NEW STAFF SPOTLIGHT!!! We are excited to announce that Mrs. Jenna Eshleman will be joining the Hershey staff as a 9-12 ELA teacher. Mrs. Eshleman will also bring in-house dual credit College English to the students at Hershey High School!! Mrs. Eshelman had this to say: Hello! My name is Jenna Eshleman, and I am excited to become a Panther! Next year will be my 10th year of teaching English. I can hardly believe it! My husband and I live on a ranch north of Hershey. I like to rodeo, cook, and read in my time outside of school. Please welcome Mrs. Jenna Eshleman to our team here at Hershey! #PANTHERMOJO
about 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
New Staff