2024 SPVA ALL CONFERENCE!!! Congratulations to the following Panther basketball players who received all-conference honors this past week!!! These Panther athletes represented Hershey at a high level on the court this winter and were awarded this high honor by the SPVA conference coaches. Again, congratulations to these athletes on earning this amazing honor!!! #PANTHERMOJO

2024 HERSHEY PROM!!! The 2024 Hershey Prom will be held TOMORROW , March 16th. The evening will start with the Grand March at Hershey High School scheduled to start at 4:30 PM. Grand March will be live streamed via the HPS Activities YouTube Channel.
The event will then transition to Venue 304 in North Platte for the dance portion of the night which will start at 8:00 PM and run to 11:00 PM. Doors will open at Venue 304 at 7:30 PM.
Looking forward to a fun night of celebration with the Panther student body!!! #PANTHERMOJO

🎾 NPHS Double Invitational
🚩 Cody Park / NPHS / Madison MS
⏰ 11:00 AM CST
Good luck to the Lady Panthers as they start their competition season today in North Platte!!!

🗣️NSAA Class C District Meet
🚩Wallace High School
⏰8:30 AM CST
Good luck to the Panther speech team as they look to qualify for the NSAA state competition in Kearney next week!!!

The K-6 Hershey Branch (In-School Savings Program) will be CLOSED for business this Thursday, March 14, 2024. The Branch will be back open for deposits next Thursday, March 21, 2024.

CLASS REQUISITION SHEETS DUE TOMORROW!!! Please be reminded that Class Requisition Sheets for students in grades 8th-11th must be TURNED IN to your FIRST PERIOD TEACHER TOMORROW. Wednesday, March 13th. Sheets must be filled out and signed by your parent/guardian. From there, we will begin the process of building class offerings for the 2024-2025 school year.

Congratulations to HPS Senior, Bailey Bell, on being selected as the HPSEF March Student of the Month! Bailey is an active member of the Hershey student body as she participates in girls golf, high school rodeo, NHS, and FBLA. Bailey works hard academically as well as she currently holds a 3.698 GPA and is ranked in the top third of the class.
Hershey staff commented that Bailey "Works hard at everything she participates in. She always leads by example and cares about her work while being personable." Another Panther staff member said "Bailey is always one to help out with a smile on her face. Never has a negative attitude or words." A final staff member said that "Bailey is a very nice and respectful girl. Always has a smile on her face and always says hello."
Again, congratulations to Panther Senior, Bailey Bell, on being selected as the HPSEF March Student of the Month!!!

The 2024 Hershey Panthers Spring Sports Media Day will be on THURSDAY, March 14th, starting at 2:45 PM in the Hershey Panther MAIN GYM!!
We will be taking pictures in the MAIN GYM and will follow the schedule below.
Please make sure all coaches and athletes are present for this time. IF an athlete is not present on Thursday, they would have to schedule a time to have their picture taken at Nebraska Portraits.
The schedule tends to RUN AHEAD of schedule so have your teams ready and in the bleachers before the scheduled time.
This will be the order of teams on Thursday (3.14.24) (Subject to Change):
Sparklers: 2:45 PM
Boys Golf: 2:55 PM
Girls Tennis: 3:05 PM
HS Girls Track: 3:15 PM
HS Boys Track: 3:25 PM
ORDERING INFORMATION will be shared to athletes and parents via email by the Nebraska Portraits staff. Please be checking your email for more information!!!

2024 HERSHEY PROM!!! The 2024 Hershey Prom will be held THIS Saturday, March 16th. The evening will start with the Grand March at Hershey High School scheduled to start at 4:30 PM. The event will then transition to Venue 304 in North Platte for the dance portion of the night which will start at 8:00 PM and run to 11:00 PM. Doors will open at Venue 304 at 7:30 PM.
Please be reminded that all guest forms should have been turned into the main office on Friday, March 8th. The following guidelines apply to a students guest: 1) Adhere to same rules and regulations as HHS student according to HHS handbook 2) HHS student is held accountable for their guests behavior and are subject to school discipline if their guests violates a policy 3) All students attending a Hershey HS dance must be under the age of 21 and not in middle school.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Cudney Hershey High School at jordan.cudney@hpspanthers.org.

Panther JH/HS Activities Week of 3.11.24 to 3.16.24
“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy & keep choosing it every day.” Henri Nouwen

Hershey Stakeholder,
With the recent snowstorm we want to ensure all roads are passable and that all students get to and from school safely. The district has been out to observe many of the District’s rural roads and will continue to monitor as the snow begins to melt. The county did a great job removing snow! We have a great rapport with the Lincoln County Road Superintendent and want to hear from you if you have concerns with your county road that the bus may be traveling down. If you have specific concerns with your road, due to the recent snow, please email Mr. Thomsen at jared.thomsen@hpspanthers.org so that he can work with the county on getting it addressed. At this time all routes (door to door and south option stops (Miller School & Wagon Trail)) appear to be run as “normal” except the north option stop (Highway 30 & Range Road). This option stop will be temporarily moved to the Lincoln County Fairgrounds starting Monday, March 11, 2024. The pick up and drop-off times will remain the same. The district will communicate any further changes as the road conditions change.
Please note that as the snow melts we may have to make adjustments or arrangements to ensure that our students stay safe. The school will continue to communicate changes as conditions change. We ask that you communicate potential hazards to Mr. Thomsen and your route driver as needed. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding with the recent weather and road conditions!
Jared Thomsen

Nebraska Portraits will be at Hershey Public Schools on March 14th to take personality portraits of PK-6 students.
Please use the link to sign up:
For questions, please reach out to Nebraska Portraits at 308-530-0579, text, or via email at info@nebraskaportraits.com

8th-11th PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please be aware that 11th thru 8th grade students will be getting information regarding registering for classes for the 24-25 school year THIS MORNING (3.6.24) during first hour.
Mrs. Pettera will be meeting with students and students will be given sheets to work on their FOUR YEAR PLAN as well as requisition classes for the 2024-2025 school year. These sheets are to be TAKEN HOME and signed by the PARENT/GUARDIAN prior to them being turned in to their first period teacher on Wednesday, March 13th .
Students will report to the Media Center Collaboration Space during the following times:
Juniors @ 8:20 AM
Sophomores @ 8:35 AM
Freshmen @ 8:50 AM
8th Grade @ 9:05 AM
Thank you for your assistance and support as we get students ready for the 24-25 school year!

PANTHER QUIZ BOWL ON A ROLL!!! The Hershey Panther Quiz Bowl team had a strong outing at the Hershey Invitational yesterday. The Panther varsity team competed well and took 2nd place in a tough bracket of 6 teams. In the JV division, Panther JV Team # 1 took first place in the division. Great work by all the students who competed yesterday and THANK YOU to all the staff and Mrs. Abbott who made the event run off smoothly!!! #PANTHERMOJO

Panther JH/HS Activities Week of 3.4.24 to 3.9.24
“Success is the progressive realization of
predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.”
Paul J. Meyer

🗣️2024 Panther Speech Showcase Event
🚩Hershey High School
⏰ 7:00 PM CST
Great opportunity to get to see all the Hershey performances in one sitting TONIGHT at HPS!!! Enter through the SOUTH DOORS and proceed to Mrs. Stoner's classroom for the event!!!!

The 2024 Hershey Prom will be held on Saturday, March 16th. The evening will start with the Grand March at Hershey High School scheduled to start at 4:30 PM. The event will then transition to Venue 304 in North Platte for the dance portion of the night which will start at 8:00 PM and run to 11:00 PM. Doors will open at Venue 304 at 7:30 PM.
Please be reminded that all guest forms must be turned into the main office by Friday, March 8th. The following guidelines apply to a students guest:
1) Adhere to same rules and regulations as HHS student according to HHS handbook 2) HHS student is held accountable for their guests behavior and are subject to school discipline if their guests violates a policy
3) All students attending a Hershey HS dance must be under the age of 21 and not in middle school.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Cudney Hershey High School at jordan.cudney@hpspanthers.org.

Below is the link for the MARCH 7-12 Panther Principal Newsletter! Please look through it as it has a number of important items as we transition into the 4th Quarter here at HPS.
Wishing all staff, students, and stakeholders a STRONG FINISH to a GREAT YEAR here at Hershey Public Schools!!!
LINK: https://www.smore.com/n/t9zr7

HPS SENIORS...if you have received your cap and gown from Mrs. McConnell please BRING IT BACK TO SCHOOL unopened to Mrs. Pettera (if you've already opened it that's ok).
Many orders are incorrect and we need to make sure everyone has the correct color.
Please do this ASAP so we can get the correct ones.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter!!! #PANTHERMOJO

PK-6 Parent Teacher Conferences: Sign up NOW! Use this link to sign up: http://tinyurl.com/4r7achna
More information can be found here: https://www.hpspanthers.org/article/1480664?fbclid=IwAR1_K9Xzy_zhA5EnjeFv1THkWM_PPIhnl3FLRzIWUErIM87QcrtnZcrVmZA