PANTHER WINTER S&C - All 7-12 Students not out for a winter sport are encouraged to take part in Panther Off-Season S&C sessions starting on WEDNESDAY, November 14th. Daily sessions will focus on strength, range of motion, core stability, and plyometric explosiveness. Sessions will run from 3:50 - 4:30 PM Monday-Thursday in the Panther Weight Room. Remember, success is not given, it is earned...If you are not competing in a winter sport, make these sessions a priority!!#PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
OPENING WEEKEND success for the Hershey Play Production team!! The production of "The Blue and The Grey" earned a 3rd place Technical Crew Award at the Cozad Festival & it received the BEST DRAMA at the Gothenburg Festival in addition to a NUMBER of individual awards!! Great start to the season Panthers!! #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
🇺🇸Thank you to the Men & Women who bravely serve our Country! We are forever grateful for your service to our Great Country! #Veterans #USA #MOJO
over 1 year ago, Jared Thomsen
Today's Veterans Day Program will be live streamed on our Youtube channel starting at 9:30 AM.
over 1 year ago, Kort Smith
Yesterday, the ESU 16 Art PLC hosted Hershey students Chloe McNeel, Jax Staton, Maryjane Northey, and Erika Rahn for an art day at the Prairie Arts Center in North Platte! With other schools from EDU 16, the Panther students did a mural painting activity with the theme of "This is Our Town". Great work on the painting and putting Hershey, NE on display! #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
2023 VETERANS DAY PROGRAM will be held on TOMORROW, November 10th starting at 9:30 AM at the Hershey High Gym. Community members are welcome and encouraged to attend the program on that day. Please park in the concrete parking lot on the SOUTH side of Hershey Public Schools and enter in through the SOUTH commons doors. Handicap parking spots are the marked ones on the far east end of the parking lot. #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
AND ACTION!!! Your Panther Play Production team will take to the stage twice this week as they open the 2023 season. They are performing TONIGHT at the Cozad Play Production Festival starting at 7:30 PM. Then on Saturday, the Panthers will travel to Gothenburg to take part in the Gothenburg Festival at 12:00 PM. Good luck as you begin the 2023 season!!! #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Karlee Denny and Olivia Moorhead signed their NLI for McCook CC. The Indians grabbed a couple great young ladies. Congrats, girls!
over 1 year ago, Bernie Madison
ALL 7-12 FALL SPORT ATHLETES please report to the MAIN GYM tomorrow (11.9.23) right after school to complete an end of the year fall sport survey. This should only take five minutes of your time and allow you to get to practice/conditioning/work. If you cannot make it, please contact Mr. Madison and let him know.
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Today's Jr. High Wrestling Invite will be live streamed on our Youtube channel starting at 3:00 PM today. #gopanthers
over 1 year ago, Kort Smith
2023 VETERANS DAY PROGRAM will be held on Friday, November 10th starting at 9:30 AM at the Hershey High Gym. Community members are welcome and encouraged to attend the program on that day. Please park in the concrete parking lot on the SOUTH side of Hershey Public Schools and enter in through the SOUTH commons doors. Handicap parking spots are the marked ones on the far east end of the parking lot. #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
JH WRESTLING MEETS this week!!! Your Hershey Panther JH wrestling team will be in action TODAY as they host the 2023 Hershey Invitational starting at 3:00 PM. Later this week, the Panthers will head to Arnold to take part in the 2023 South Loup Invitational on THURSDAY starting at 2:00 PM. Good luck grapplers as you take to the mat this week! #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Good morning Panther Nation! Due to Hershey hosting the 2023 Junior High Wrestling Tournament starting during the day TODAY (11.7.23), we will be closing the SOUTH PARKING LOT for STUDENT PARKING today so that spectators from other schools can access this lot for the tournament in the afternoon. Let's be GREAT HOSTS and help everyone out by parking either in the NORTH LOT, the WEST LOT, or in the streets around Hershey Public Schools. Thank you in advance for your help with this!
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Panther JH/HS Activities Week of 11.6.23 to 11.11.23 Exciting time of the year in Panther Nation...JH Wrestling and Girls Basketball are off and running, Play Production has their FIRST COMPETITIONS of the season, and NSAA Winter Sports are in their conditioning week!!! L-E-T-S-G-O-P-A-N-T-H-E-R-S #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Good afternoon Panther Nation! Due to Hershey hosting the 2023 Junior High Wrestling Tournament starting during the day on TUESDAY (11.7.23), we will be closing the SOUTH PARKING LOT for STUDENT PARKING on Tuesday so that spectators from other schools can access this lot for the tournament in the afternoon. Let's be GREAT HOSTS and help everyone out by parking either in the NORTH LOT, the WEST LOT, or in the streets around Hershey Public Schools. Thank you in advance for your help with this!
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
The Hershey FFA Marketing Plan team received the Bronze Medal for their efforts at the 2023 FFA National Competition!!! The team of Kandice Thompson, Calie Troyer, and Ali Vaughn took their marketing plan for Birdwood Beef to the national stage and is bringing back some hardware to Hershey. Congratulations ladies and a BIG THANK YOU to Ms. Paige Aylward and Mr. Donovan Phoenix for the time and effort given to lead and prepare the team for their state and national competitions!!! 
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
JH WRESTLING MEET DAY!!! Your Panther Wrestlers are heading west to Sutherland to take part in the 2023 Sutherland Invitational! First matches will begin at 2:00 PM. Good luck to all the wrestlers as they compete in their first meet of the season!! #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney
Happy Halloween from HPS! 🎃👻#MOJO #hpspanthers
over 1 year ago, Jared Thomsen
Happy Halloween from HPS! Parade of costums, 2023! It was a frightening good time! #HHS #HPS
over 1 year ago, Bernie Madison
​Congratulations to the following FOURTY-THREE students who earned HIGH HONOR ROLL for Quarter 1 here at Hershey Jr/Sr High School!!! High Honor Roll is defined as having all A's in all classes the student is enrolled in. This honor is a reflection of a students dedication to coming to school, being learning ready, and working hard in class. Again, congratulations to these Panther students on earning High Honor Roll for Quarter 1. #PANTHERMOJO
over 1 year ago, Jordan Cudney